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Friday, March 11, 2011

Rev. Jesse Jackson Addressing Fox News' Megyn Kelly

Fox News' Megyn Kelly interviewed Rev. Jesse Jackson as he stood amongst the protesters at the state capitol of Wisconsin. Rev.
Jackson gave his opinion on what has been happening there for the last few weeks.

In her closing remarks to Rev. Jackson, she says, "Well my final question for you sir before I let you go, is ah, it seems like you're saying you should look at the popular will and govern accordingly, again I go back to the Healthcare Legislation, the popular will was against that bill and yet President Obama and the Democrats pushed that through on a national level and you felt very differently about that piece of legislation than you do about this one."

So the brilliant Rev. Jackson replied,

"59 million Americans don't have health insurance and people are dying because of that. 50 million Americans are in poverty. 40 million are on food stamps, so there's a sense that which, in which the wealth has been subsidized and their getting much wealthier without connecting to manufacturing and poor people are dying. So there's a sense that death for the poorest people and surplus for the wealthiest. And there's something about that, that's unhealthy for our democracy and so as Roosevelt fought for a new deal, we now need a better deal for the American worker. You can't close plants here and take jobs to keep labor markets. And leave people with no place to stay and they can't educate their children and think they gonna take it laying down. Workers are righteously and nonviolently fighting back and that's the best thing they can do. Thank you very much."

You may say what you want about Rev. Jackson, but he does go out of his way to support democracy all over this country and he doesn't seem to be derailed by people judging or criticizing him. See how Rev. Jesse Jackson still has his fight and compassion for the under privileged below:

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